Vue National Association's dedication to supporting Hmong Vue families and preserving culture is invaluable. Providing family services, community support, and prioritizing education across socio-economic levels.
"We will strive to improve in communications within our clan and the communities. We will conduct a study, survey and gather data to measure success in our children’s education. We will offer scholarship programs to our graduates as well as mentorship. We will eståçablish an economic support system to build an incentives program to promote our businesses and family members. Most important of all, we will develop a uniform cultural practice system to our Traditional and Christian believers by providing better information and resources. Also, we will build a model to eliminate the gaps among Youths, Parents, Hmong Traditional, and Christianity practices"
U.S CIA’S SPECIAL GUERILLA UNITS (SGU) - Morse Code Operator-Lieutenant Lt. Chong Soua Vue (Vu, Sou), retired, was a Morse Code Radio Operator in the CIA’sSpecial Guerilla Unit (SGU) during…
Lt. Colonel Chong Koua Vue was born on February 14, 1932, in Kong Kah Chaoh, Kha Mouah Province, Laos. In 1955, Chong Koua was appointed Taseng of Thamta,Mouang Nyat. His…
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