
    Hmong Cultural Workshops

    Join us as we explore the traditional Hmong arts, crafts, and customs. Our workshops are designed to provide an engaging and hands-on experience for participants of all ages. From intricate paper flower making to traditional Hmong clothing design, we’ve got you covered.

    Hmong Language Classes

    Revive your Hmong language skills or learn from scratch with our Hmong language classes. Our experienced instructors cater to various levels of proficiency and provide a friendly and supportive learning environment.

    Hmong Cultural Performances

    Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Hmong dance, music, and storytelling. Our cultural performances showcase the unique and diverse talents of local Hmong artists and provide an opportunity for you to connect with your roots or discover new aspects of the Hmong culture.

    Community Gatherings

    Our community gatherings are ideal for meeting like-minded individuals, sharing experiences, and engaging in meaningful discussions about the Hmong community. We welcome everyone to join us and learn more about our culture, traditions, and customs.

    Upcoming Events

    Stay tuned for our exciting upcoming events, where we celebrate Hmong traditions and the arts.

    Thank you for joining us in our mission to celebrate and preserve Hmong traditions, language, arts, and customs. We look forward to seeing you at our events and workshops!

    Hmoob Kab Lig Kev Cai

    Nyob zoo txog tsoom kwv tij xeev vwj txhua tus uas nyob txhua lub lav, nyob rau teb chaws U.S.A. no, xws li nej cov uas paub txog peb hmoob kab lig kev cai, yog tias koj muaj pluaj siab xav muab koj cov txuj no nthuav qhia pub rau lwm tus tau kawm, kom lawv ho tau coj mus siv rau law lub neej no thov koj muab sau rau hauv VNA no. Cov tuav kab lig kev cai nrog rau tus tswj koos haum VNA lawv yuav muab saib seb puas tsim nyog, yog tias tsim nyog lawm no ces lawv mam li muab tso tawm rau cov uas xav kawm kom lawv tau kawm coj mus pab rau lawv lub neej. Cov topic xav tau xws li nram qab no, txawm tias qhov koj npaj tuaj tsis muaj nyob nram qab no los peb yeej zoo siab tos txais tib si tsuas yog cov uas peb siv txuas hnub xwb (everyday use ) thiab tawm tias 2-3 leej sau 1 zaj xwb los yeej tau, vim nyias kawm muaj nyias xib fwb.

    1. Kev ua tsaug – tsev txias
    2. Kev Iwm qaib – tau nyab tshiab
    3. Txi xwm kab
    4. Txhij nig thiab tiam thawj Iwm tub ncig
    5. Kev mus thov neeb thiab ua tsaug neeb
    6. Kev tuav diav rau tej laus xyoo tshiab
    7. Tiam mej koob thiab Iwm yam



    Lwm Qaib Tau Nyab Tshiab

    Tus qaib uas yuav coj los Iwm yuav tsum yog tus lau qaib liab los yog tus lau qaib dub…

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